23 April 2013

Career adjustment?

Minggu lepas Senior Director singgah tempat aku,

"Come to my office".

Aku masuk. Duduk depan dia. Dia bagi aku surat.

"Open it".

Aku tengok tajuk. Salary Increment.

"You met the expectation last year.Well done. I want to make sure your performance for this year is higher than last year. And I'm expecting more from you. Be more particular"

" I"ll try my best". Aku jawab.

Keluar-keluar bilik bos aku realize aku dengan seorang lagi kakak yg pangkatnya sama je yg layak buat testing dan analyzing. Yg lain pangkat semua dah besar-besar.

Friends, Environment , benefit,  all are good. Just the works routine. A little bit boring. But still ok.

Tapi semalam aku ambik leave. Pergi interview. Oil and gas company. Uk company. Interview tak tough sangat. Tapi  they are expecting more. Nak pakai 3 orang je. Dah interview candidates untuk 2 minggu.

Aku tak harap sangat pun, rezeki tuhan ni luas. Luas sangat.


FVN said...

congrats ;)

saya nak sumting best..takmau nasi arab :P

Fuz said...

Cakap je lebih :)